



sayitonhold logo

"What your callers hear on hold says EVERYTHING about your business!" sm

 Dental Messages
 Let Callers Hear About
 All Your Practice Has To Offer!

sayitonhold the friendly and caring environment of your office and staff
sayitonhold create better awareness of the procedures you offer: tooth whitening,
           implant therapy, bonding, periodontal treatment, sedation dentistry, etc.
sayitonholdpromote features on your website; increase website traffic
sayitonholdreassure callers they have not been forgotten on hold
sayitonholdanswer frequently asked questions (saving valuable staff time)
sayitonholdreminders regarding office policies, insurance forms, payment options,
           dental emergencies, and more

Turn “on-hold time” into a positive experience
for your callers and your dental office!

dental on-hold sample 1
dental on-hold sample 2
Each fully customized dental message on-hold production
is a one-time cost of only $169, and includes:

  --complete custom script writing services--
  --male and/or female voice--
  --an expanded selection of background music choices--
  --up to 4 - 5 minute production length (up to 550 words
    or approximately 6 - 8 message segments)--

With nearly thirty years of producing quality messages & music on-hold for dental practices nationwide, we have developed the expertise to help you communicate just the right image to your callers.

Fully customized message on-hold productions bySayItOnHold give you the complete flexibility to include specific details on procedures and other services unique to your practice, your office location and directions, number of years in practice, Doctor's educational background, affiliation with medical and dental associations, emergency info, payment & insurance options, your website information and much more; all while while conveying customer care.

l e a r n   m o r esayitonholdsayitonholdsayitonholdsayitonhold

SayItOnHold also offers:
dental messages on-hold

 Starting at just $99 !!

Relevant On Hold Dental Messages are pre-recorded individual segments covering a full range of topics that are "Relevant" to your dental practice.

For only $99 you may select any six messages from SayItOnHold's (growing) menu of nearly 40 segments. We also provide six background music selections to choose from.

Each message is professionally pre-recorded with your choice of background music and available in either male or female voice. This allows you to mix-and-match segments with different voices and music to “build your own” message on-hold programs. You may also specify the order in which the messages are heard.*

From announcements regarding your practice and commitment to providing the finest in dental care, to detailed information on procedures, tips on routine dental care and more, your callers will be informed, entertained and reassured while waiting on-hold.

Order additional Relevant On-Hold Dental Six-Message Sets for only $39.99 each. Create a library of messages and rotate them periodically!*

*All six message segments will be included in a single, continuous production and segments will play in the sequence specified by customer at time of order; message segments can also be ordered as individual files on request. Playback and management of playlist/file selection involving multiple audio files is dependent on customer phone system or audio player capabilities.

sayitonhold relevant plus Make Your On-Hold
Messages a Bit More
Personal with Relevant Plus !!
 Purchase a set of six Relevant On-Hold Dental Messages
with your practice name or doctor's name added to all the messages for a total of only $149 !!

This exciting option from SayItOnHold allows you to take the next step toward solidifying the bond between your
patients and your practice. Incorporating your practice name into the messages builds your identity with patients,
strengthens their loyalty to you and greatly increases your potential for referrals!


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Phone: 800-664-6531    E-mail:info@sayitonhold.com

SayItOnHold is a service of Audio Advantage
© 2017 Audio Advantage. All rights reserved